has been good. everything is settling down. zach is up at byu and back into the college life with both garrick and rachel. three byu students! wow.
this is zach. typical zach. what a try hard. he thinks hes gonna play rugby at byu, we'll see how that goes. hes already got his all blacks shirt so hes set!

good news-garrick is engaged! he proposed a couple weeks before zach came home and she[brittni] said yes, of course! they are to be married in the salt lake temple on june 26.

basketball season is over so dad is back to just teaching and not losing his voice. this pic is of him coaching at the game in fresno against garces[why we went all the way there to play against garces for the 4th time, idk] we lost this game, but after such a great record and season, it was okay. liberty wasnt even expected to get that far so it was good for the team and the school in general.
bethany had to have her tooth pulled yesterday because she had an absess. apparently, people have died from neglecting to go to the dentist or doctor to treat them and so the dentist cleared his schedule to see her yesterday and they decided they would just pull it out. she was not really prepared for that so it was a shock and bethany was crying a lot afterward. poor thing. shes fine now though so thats good.
we went to the beach a couple of weeks ago with my uncle, his wife and kid andmy moms cousin who was visiting from texas. that was nice. it was a beautiful day and we seem to be having more of those now-a-days. its getting closer and closer to summer[we usually get like 2 days of spring] so thats been nice.
moms still doing daycare and me and beth are still at school so nothings changed there. everyones doing well so all thats left to do on this blog is put some pics up!
dad coaching at the fresno arena-liberty vs garces[we lost but it was a great season so it was good]
santa monica
me and beth and mom
me and the pappi
no wonder she has to go to the dentist all the time...
my cousin carlitos

this is me and sis seaneys baby, sophia ann. isnt she darling?
btw, the pictures of zach and garrick &brittni were taken by emily waite. also, the one at the top of the blog.