Tuesday, September 16, 2008

oh happy day!

this day was splendid. i hardly had homework and therefore got to chill with my friends. we made cupcakes, went to taco bell and then to the volleyball game[liberty won the 1st three matches no problem:) ]. also, i got my camera in the mail! so that was exciting. also, i remembered that mutual tomorrow is tie-dying! which is, as we all know, one of the most fun things to do ever! as for other news, one of moms daycare kids brought a playset for our backyard...yay. dad was happy because he got new road tires for his bike. and the newest news from zach is that he didnt have time for a haircut so he shaved/buzz cut his hair himself...that was actually a week ago, but i forgot to post it. what a funny guy aye? well, thats all folks. byeee.


Jonesy said...

Hannah - that WAS a good day ! What kind of camera did you get ? i'm glad you're looking forward to tie dying - it should be fun. I couldn't get ahold of Kristin to remind her so if you see her will you ?


Zach and Stacie said...

hannah...i thoroughly enjoy keeping up on your life through this blog. rachel and i looked at this post this morning. i wish i could go to taco bell and a volleyball game. instead...rachel and i were at the library last night. boo. we will do something more exciting soon. much love to you all.

rachel audra said...

this is rachel

i just wanted to tell you that i come to your page just to listen to the music

also.... you need to write more about me on here

for example:
today was like the best day ever because i got to talk to my favorite person in the world: my sister rachel
i miss her so much i often contemplate hitch hiking to utah just to see her. etc.

you get the idea
and btw check out my blog!!! i just made it!!!! hahahha you're gonna love it!

Br Boys said...

Have your hand recovered from the tie dye yet? Mine haven't. Next time call me and I want to go to the Volleyball game too! By the way you are becoming a Blog Queen! You know you can use this as a value project!!!!! Yea!!