Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
tomorrow is monday...
and i hate mondays, but the weekend was good though!

it was homecoming on friday and juniors got first place on the t-shirt design and we got 2nd on the float:] we were spiderman and it was pretty hardcore. we built a balcony and everything for the bulldog[we played golden valley-thats their mascot] to stand on after he kidnapped 'ms. liberty'. and spiderman swung across a building and kicked the bulldog off [onto a big matress thing] and saved ms liberty. it was tight:] me and my friends were nyc gangsters which was interestingly fun. the same night, bethany had two parties to go to[shes the most popular one in our family...] one was a halloween party and she was belle[shes also the prettiest one in the family]. me and mom did her hair and she wore heels the whole night. what a grown up! here's some pictures:

till next time,
Thursday, October 23, 2008
all is well.
i dont have much to say. eventful, stressful week...but everything has been going smooth.
here's some random pictures that i found in my pictures:
here's some random pictures that i found in my pictures:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
*warning: may contain sarcasm!
as you might know, my father is a teacher. he is in the cta, california teachers association, which is the largest teachers union. every year, they send out a little packet to "inform" [or influence] teachers who are a part of the cta concerning the upcoming elections or voting events for propostions. personally, i think this is...well, wack in the first place because teachers should be able to vote how they want and they should be educated on the topics enough to know what to vote for but, that could just be we all know, on november 4th, voting will start and will include presidential elections as well as the infamous propostion 8 which, if passed, will restore traditional marriage and ban same-sex marriage. apparently, the cta will be voting no on prop 8 to "support equality for all" because "the cta believes that all people should be allowed equal protection under law". equality is great and really important, but this prop, in my opinion, will only do bad for the education system. the cta, however, strongly opposes the much that they have donated $1,000,000 to the No on Propostion 8 Campaign. hmm...weird. did we not just have budget cuts? were there not an estimated 20, 000 teachers who were either fired or laid off this past May? yet, the california teachers association has an extra 1 mil to throw away fighting propostion 8, making them the largest institutional donor, because "the No campaign seems to be struggling." as if the $250,000 they already donated to a coalition opposing prop 8 in august wasnt enough. i'm awful glad our priorities are straight...
[ some information taken from a California Department of Education News Realease, The Bakersfield Californian, and the CTA November 2008 Voter Guide ]
[ some information taken from a California Department of Education News Realease, The Bakersfield Californian, and the CTA November 2008 Voter Guide ]
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
story time!
zach, or elder smith i should say, called this morning, not to wish mom a belated birthday because thats not allowed, but to tell her he broke his hand...yeahh smooth guy. apparently he was playing football with some other missionaries or the youth or something and he fell. he broke the bone boxers brake all the time. its by your pinky. this isnt the first time however...which explains a little bit[his bone was weak already]. here's a first hand[no pun intended] account of the first time he broke his hand:
back in the day when i was a turd....zach and i didnt get along. actually, i didnt get along with anyone, but anyways. i was in 5th grade and zach was a sophomore...maybe he was a junior. all i know is that we lived in the other house by columbia elementary. anyways, he was playing basketball out front and i was bugging him about something and i musta said something really annoying and probably critical that made him burst. i could tell so i jumped on my bike to make a get away. he threw his basketball at my bicycle and then when i came back around, he ran after me and either tried to punch me and missed or tried to punch my bike tire and missed. either way, he missed and hit the metal part of my bike and broke that same bone above his pinky. he didnt know it at first but it swelled and stuff. it was a mess. our parents weren't home and when they got home, we had to explain and a while later, zach finally went in to see if it was broken and sure enough, it was. the story must have sounded fake to the doc cuz he took zach aside and asked him a series of questions. he didnt outright ask if he was abused, but basically, he was asking zach if he was abused. when they were convinced, they fixed it and gave him a cast. this of course was during basketball season annnnd he couldnt play. he did get a pretty good at shooting with his left hand though! i'm awful glad something good came out of that awful situation! haha sooo there you go. a fun fact/story of the day!
back in the day when i was a turd....zach and i didnt get along. actually, i didnt get along with anyone, but anyways. i was in 5th grade and zach was a sophomore...maybe he was a junior. all i know is that we lived in the other house by columbia elementary. anyways, he was playing basketball out front and i was bugging him about something and i musta said something really annoying and probably critical that made him burst. i could tell so i jumped on my bike to make a get away. he threw his basketball at my bicycle and then when i came back around, he ran after me and either tried to punch me and missed or tried to punch my bike tire and missed. either way, he missed and hit the metal part of my bike and broke that same bone above his pinky. he didnt know it at first but it swelled and stuff. it was a mess. our parents weren't home and when they got home, we had to explain and a while later, zach finally went in to see if it was broken and sure enough, it was. the story must have sounded fake to the doc cuz he took zach aside and asked him a series of questions. he didnt outright ask if he was abused, but basically, he was asking zach if he was abused. when they were convinced, they fixed it and gave him a cast. this of course was during basketball season annnnd he couldnt play. he did get a pretty good at shooting with his left hand though! i'm awful glad something good came out of that awful situation! haha sooo there you go. a fun fact/story of the day!
time flies.

Monday, October 6, 2008
we went up to utah this past weekend for a couple of reasons. my uncle [dads brother] ngatai and his wife tweetie came from new zealand to slc for conference so we came to see them. also, garrick and rachel are up in provo so we went to see them. we left thursday afternoon when the last daycare kid left and drove to vegas and then we stopped at whiskey petes[cheap, trashy hotel/casino outside of vegas] to sleep for a bit. then we did the rest of the drive in the morning. we took rachel and garrick out for breakfast[at the creamery--hamburgers for b-fast? lol] then rachel had class and i went with her which was interesting. dad and garrick golfed. the gurls went to cafe rio and sallys beauty supply. then me and rach hung out with stacie for the night which was interesting also:] we went to the afternoon session of conference on saturday and we sat as far away as possible, but it was good cuz all 7 of us were togther[me, rachel, stacie, mom, dad, garrick, brittni]. we were gonna go shopping with my aunt but got separated on the tram. bought some new shoes that didnt match. saw gina petersen kinda randomly and then we went to a new zealand gathering where there was grrreat food[of course] and entertainment and lots of old friends. we watched morning conference at our good friends house then started back for bako and got home at 11 ish. tiring weekend but it was worth it! it totally rained the whole time, btw. my camera died and stoopid me didnt bring the charger, but heres some pics from the bookstore, cafe rio, our view in the conference center, the smith kids[minus zach], me and mom with our shoes and the temple:

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