only 9 more days til our little zach comes back! holy cowabunga. i cant say it hasnt gone by fast cuz it really did. my mom might think otherwise but anywho! we cant wait to see him and we've defff made a list of things to do and movies to watch in the short time that he is here before he leaves to byu. since theres not that much else to report or show, heres some pictures of him and i will fosho put up more when he comes back!

beth and zach
before[what a cutie]
dad, elder smith, garrick, mom

yeah he caught 7 fish with his bare hands in some river in big deal.

at niagra falls--he doesnt always make that face. haha:)
1 comment:
2 days! Wild. I am so excited and I know you guys are too. Hang in there.
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